Sexual Health
The topic we should all be talking about but mostly are not! Consent, contraception, STD’s, sexual abuse and more. This page will has great resources including a free number anyone can call if they have a question relating to sexual health. Call Nurse Nettie - 1800 451 624 - thank you Play Safe for providing such a great service.
Clinic 16 Clinic Sixteen is a publicly funded sexual health service. We are part of the comprehensive health services offered by Northern Sydney Local Health District - a service of the NSW Ministry of Health. The recently opened Beaches clinic link is here.Family Planning NSW – Family Planning offers a Talk line for questions and appointments with clinicians, give the Talk line a call to find out more.
Nurse Nettie - a real, qualified sexual health nurse who has heard everything before. If you’ve got a question about sex or sexual health, then reach out to Nurse Nettie.
SHIL - Sexual Health Info Link (SHIL) is a Monday to Friday phone service to assist in asking questions and providing accurate sexual health information or guidance on where to find it. 1800 451 624
1800RESPECT is available for free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to support people impacted by domestic, family or sexual violence. Confidential information, counselling and support service
The Beaches Clinic (TBC) linked to Clinic 16 has reopened - 612-624 Pittwater Rd, Brookvale
acon is here forcommunity health, inclusion and HIV responses for people of diverse sexualities and genders.
International Students Health Hub This is a new site that has recently launched. This website holds a great expanse of information around sexual health and contraception targeted at Culturally and Linguistically Diverse individuals.Keep it Real Online a New Zealand website with great information to assist young people navigate sex in the digital era. Everything including sexting, porn and bullying plus lots more.
Play Safe Everything you need to know for a confident and healthy sex life. Take control of your sexual health. Find out if you need an STI test.Sexual Health & Family Planning ACT Although located in the ACT, this page has very good sexual and reproductive health information.
STIPU Patient resources this is a place that you will find information sheets on STIs. Some of the common STIs have information sheets in other languages.
Youth Law Australia On this site you can navigate through the consent laws in different states. It talks more about what Consent is and isn’t.
Mates and Dates Podcast is a youth-produced podcast series that aims to ignite conversations among young adults around allaspects of relationships in a relatable and engaging way; whether that be romantic, friendships or self-love (the mostimportant relationship you'll ever have). All episodes of Mates & Dates are available on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.
Talking the Talk Healthy Sexuality Conversations PodcastThis podcast gives surprisingly simple & effective, actionable tips to clear the fears and uncertainty around essential sexuality conversations with kids.
Sex Education Australia Podcast discuss the topics parents can find difficult to talk about with their children. This is a podcast for parents and caregivers of children and adolescents – for people who want to have an open and consistent relationship based on trust with their kids: one where communication is open.
EPIC Walks offer connection and understanding for all parents/carers of young people who are facing challenges.EPIC Onine Meet Ups are a regular place for parents and carers of young people to meet and gain strategies, knowledge and connection. The meetings are created by parents with lived experience of caring for a young person in crisis, for parents and carers of young people aged 12-25 who are facing challenges. The meetings are connecting, informative, interactive.
Child Protection Helpline This is the NSW child protection service. Phone 132 111, 24 hours, 7 days a week.Emerging Minds: Engaging children and parents affected by child sexual abuse. This page links to a webinar, a case study, supporting resources and more.
National Centre for Action on Child Sexual Abuse s a symbol of hope and an essential vehicle for action for victims and survivors of child sexual abuse.
New Street Services provide therapeutic services for children and young people aged 10 to 17 years who have engaged in harmful sexual behaviours towards others, and their families and caregivers. New Street Services work with the young person to assist them to understand, acknowledge, take responsibility for and cease the harmful sexual behaviour.
raisingchildren.net.au Child sexual abuse helplines and services Helplines and specialist support services can help children who have experienced child sexual abuse or engaged in harmful sexual behaviour. These services can also help families. For immediate safety concerns or to report concerns, contact the police and child protection service in your state or territory.
Responding to children and young people’s disclosures of abuse This is a guide provided by the Australian Institude of Family Studies, to responding to children and young people’s disclosures of abuse and maltreatment. It also outlines what we know about how, why and when children and young people are likely to disclose abuse and provides information to help individuals respond to these disclosures.
Supporting non-offending parents after child sexual abuse This is a helpful handout with links to courses, guides and podcasts.
When a child is sexually abused by another child or a sibling. This link from the Queensland Government Child Safety Practice Manual provides helpful information about peer to peer suxual abuse, sibling sexual abuse and girls with harmful sexual bahaviours.
Confused? Frustrated? Call EPIC 02 8428 0913
What have you found helpful in your journey with your young person? Please share your resources, wisdom and hindsight here: