Helpful Organisations

Lifeline 13 11 14

Lifeline text 0447 13 11 14 (6pm—12am, 7 days)

Ambulance & Police 000

Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467

Kids Helpline 1800 551 800

Mental Health Access Line 1800 011 511 – are a service that operate 7 days a week from 2pm-10.30pm. They are an outreach service that can attend home/school (as long as no DV/violence) up to 9pm at night. They assess a young person at risk or who is expressing suicidal ideation in an attempt to avoid a trip to ED which is not a great environment for a young person, often not a positive experience. If they feel that the young person needs to go to hospital they will call the ambulance.



Action for People with Disability a non-profit organisation that provides independent advocacy for people with disability in the Northern Region of Sydney. We are here to help you know your rights, uphold your rights and help you access the services and supports you need.

ACAP Psychology, counselling and social work clinics offer a range of psychology, counselling and social work services to the community free of charge. In addition to our telehealth services, the Sydney ACAP Clinic is located in the Sydney CBD, across from Hyde Park and close to the Museum train station.

ADHD Australia was established from a need to stand up for, and support, people impacted by ADHD in order to optimise positive outcomes for those individuals, their families and the community at large.

Anglicare Emotional Wellbeing Space offers you up to seven free sessions of individual counselling to support your psychological and emotional concern.  Sessions are held face-to-face, online or over the phone.

Beyond Blue provides information and support to help everyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health, whatever their age and wherever they live.

Burdekin Association believes every young person has the right to a life that offers opportunities to fulfil their potential. Burdekin inspires young people to believe that their lives can be enriched by experience and empowered by hope.

Black Dog Institute Mental health advocates, researchers, informers. Research into mental health and suicide prevention is at the heart of everything we do. Our innovative trials and strong collaborations are providing solutions for the whole population. The Black Dog Institute website has a wealth of in information including the free, self-guided online wellbeing and resilience program for young people.

Butterfly Foundation represents all people affected by eating disorders – a person with an eating disorder, their family and their friends.

Carer Gateway offers a range of FREE supports for carers. It can help reduce your stress and support you on your caring journey. Support services include respite (emergency and planned), counselling, peer support and more.

Catholic Care Supporting you and your family through the challenges of relationships, parenting and separation. professional and compassionate teams for counselling, education, emotional support and practical strategies.

CCA NSW Community Hub take an early intervention approach, using evidence-based programs and trauma informed services and practices to promote meaningful results in social and emotional wellbeing, for the children, young people, families, and communities we serve. CCA NSW provide youth counselling, financial counselling, advocacy, educational workshops social events, home support and more.

Drug and Alcohol Research and Training Australia (DARTA) aims to provide education and training expertise as well as high quality research assistance on a wide range of alcohol and other drug issues.

Eating Disorders Families Australia (EDFA) is an organisation founded by a group of Australian parents who have cared for and treated a young person with an eating disorder.

Emerging Minds is dedicated to advancing the mental health and emotional wellbeing of Australian infants, children, adolescents and their families. The Emerging Minds website is packed with resources, training and research to support families, practioners and organisations support the mental health of Australia's youth.

Emotional Health Clinic, Macquarie University Get emotional health support for yourself and others. The Clinic provides assessment and treatment services to people of all ages, and training and resources to professionals.

Family Drug Support provides up to date information on all aspects of alcohol and drug use relative to the families of alcohol and other drug users.

Gamble Aware There are many ways for you to engage with children and teenagers in your life and get them talking about how they see gambling affecting them and their friends.

Harrison Riedel Foundation created the YourCrew app, designed to give young people personal help from loved ones and a pathway to professional help if needed.

Headspace The heart of Headspace services is ensuring to meet the evolving and unique needs of young people and those who support them.

Head to Health can help you find digital mental health services from some of Australia’s most trusted mental health organisations. Provided by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care, Head to Health brings together apps, online programs, online forums, and phone services, as well as a range of digital information resources.

InsideOut Institute for Eating Disorders is Australia’s national institute for research, translation and clinical excellence in eating disorders.

The Junaa Buwa! Centre for Youth Wellbeing provides a safe place for change for young people who are clients of juvenile justice and whose established use of alcohol and other drugs places them at risk of significant harm.

Kids Helpline is Australia’s only free, confidential 24/7 online and phone counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25. The website has loads of helpful helpful information.

KYDS Youth Development Service provides free mental health counselling to young people for as long as they need it. KYDS help young people understand, and manage, difficult issues in their lives. We do this by providing easily accessed, personalised counselling and mental health support services, family counselling, and early intervention wellbeing workshops and information events.

Lifeline Harbour to Hawkesbury Sydney saves lives by providing vital services to the community every day of the year: counselling for personal and financial crises, (including problem gambling counselling and a bulk billed psychological service), support for the aged and frail, telephone crisis support and suicide crisis support.

Lifeline Northern Beaches At Lifeline Northern Beaches our primary purpose is to provide quality telephone and in-person support to relieve the distress caused by crisis situations.

Local Kind Northern Beaches is a community-based organisation supporting vulnerable and at-risk people with a range of services for domestic & family violence, homelessness, refugees and families, youth and children.

Man Anchor is a grassroots mental health and well-being movement that provides mental health education workshops for businesses, schools, and community groups around Australia.

Mission Australia helps to provide the security, care and support, vital to the development of children and young people and strengthening communities.

Northern Beaches Counselling  If you’re having a difficult time and would like to talk to a trained counsellor, email the Northern Beaches Youth & Family Counselling Service.

Northern Beaches Family Support Service promotes health, safety and wellbeing for women and children. It is a community based NGO we offer free parenting programs,  support for families on the beaches and across to Neutral Bay, Mosman and the Lower North Shore.

Oasis Supports Northern Beaches Are a small family run organisation which was set up to "go the extra mile" for clients on the NDIS (and a few privately funded individuals). Oasis offer a myriad of social, transport, community and hobby based supports primarily for participants with a mental health diagnosis.

PCYC work with at-risk youth to break the cycle of disadvantage through crime prevention, vocational education, youth capacity building and social responsibility programs.

Phoenix House provides early intervention and support services to the most challenged young people living in Northern Sydney and delivered life-changing outcomes.

Play Safe - Everything you need to know for a confident and healthy sex life. Take control of your sexual health. Find out if you need an STI test.

RightByYou is designed for young people, by young people. Today’s young people are on the frontline of seeing their friends show varying signs of suicidal thoughts. Our focus is on supporting and guiding young people on how to help their friends. We offer practical resources and key information about what to do when a friend may be expressing thoughts of suicide.

SDECC is a not-for-profit, charitable organisation which specialises in providing free counselling and support for young people aged 12 -25 with problematic alcohol and other drugs (AOD) use and their families.

Sir David Martin Foundation is a 30-year old family foundation, helping young people in crisis. The Foundation is the major funder of Mission Australia’s Triple Care Farm, a unique, holistic treatment centre which each year gives over 200 vulnerable young Australians, aged 16-24, a safe place to get well and prepare for new opportunities.

StreetWork aims to help teens troubled by destructive influences and behaviour to turn their lives around through one on one mentoring.

Taldumande Youth Services supports, encourages and empowers vulnerable children, young people and their families through crisis response, residential care and specialised case work. Located Northern Sydney and Northern Beaches

The Northern Centre offer individual support or can work with the family as a whole as you navigate your role as a parent/carer of a teenager.

Triple Care Farm is a residential rehabilitation and treatment program to help young people aged 16-24 to manage their withdrawal and recovery from alcohol and other drug use.

Twenty10 work with people across Sydney and New South Wales who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and gender diverse, non-binary, intersex, questioning, queer, asexual and more (LGBTIQA+) people and others of diverse genders and sexualities, their families and communities.

Raising Children provides ad-free parenting videos, articles and apps backed by Australian experts.

USpace is Australia’s first private mental health service targeted to the needs of young adults aged 16–25 years. Our mission is to promote the recovery and psychological wellbeing of young adults with severe and emerging mental health problems.

The Vaping Information Hub a cen​tral location​ to find a range of useful resources and tools designed to assist young people, parents​ and carers, and teachers and ​educators.

Women and Children First a not-for-profit, community-based service for women and vulnerable families, including women and children escaping domestic and family violence. This service covers Northern beaches and also Northern Sydney mainly Lane Cove and Chatswood LGA’s.

Youth Up Front We improve the lives of children by providing outreach and ocational programmes, mentoring, case worker and personal development support.


NESA (NSW Education Standards Authority) now have a user friendly website for parents and students. Students can now easily see the connections between their subject choices in Year 11 and 12 and the opportunities awaiting them after school. Students can use the overviews to help with Year 11 and 12 subject selection and planning for life after school. DETAILS HERE


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