Multicultural Support
This Multicultural Support Resource page aims to connect parents and carers of young people from diverse backgrounds with culturally appropriate mental health and educational support. It provides information relating to local services, translated resources, and community connections to help families navigate challenges and find the right support.
Australian Chinese Community Association of NSW is a non-political, non-religious, and a not-for-profit organisation that was initially formed to serve the Chinese-Australian community in New South Wales. Since its foundation in 1974, ACCA has been providing community services such as home care, disability care (NDIS) and Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) to all communities. ACCA Chinese language classes and its many member activities throughout the year promote Chinese culture. ACCA has also organised and been involved in various activities promoting multiculturalism and anti-racism as well as fundraising for victims of natural disasters.
Ethnic Communities Council of NSW is the peak body for all culturally and linguistically diverse communities in NSW. Since 1975, they have been proud to advocate for multiculturalism and represent issues of importance to governments and industry.
Embrace Multicultural Mental Health is run by Mental Health Australia and provides a national focus on mental health and suicide prevention for people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds. It provides a national platform for Australian mental health services and multicultural communities to access resources, link to services and information in a culturally accessible format.
Korean Lifeline The Korean Lifeline was established in 2003 and has been providing free emotional support to Koreans since 2004, and is the largest counseling community for Koreans in Australia.
The Korean Lifeline in Australia is open to all Koreans who are experiencing various emotional difficulties, and has established a solid reputation throughout the country.LocalKind Multicultural Services support and assist refugees and migrants as they navigate their new lives on the Northern Beaches and ensure a smooth transition into Australian society, particularly during the initial five years of settlement.
The Lower North Shore Multicultural Network is the region’s peak representative body for the multicultural communities of Mosman, North Sydney, Willoughby and Lane Cove. It is a member based organisation, founded on the principles of multiculturalism and social justice, that is comprised of the leading multicultural not for profit organisations and government agencies, who come together in partnership to deliver services to improve the health and wellbeing of the local multicultural community and their full participation in community life.
MDAA - Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association of NSW a dedicated advocacy organisation supporting people with disabilities, with a strong focus on multicultural inclusion. Their services are free and funded through government support.
Northern Beaches Multicultural Communities provides emotional support, activities, advocacy, counselling, and more to the multicultural community during crisis.
NSW Multicultural Health Communication Serviceis a state-wide health serviceto strengthen the capacity of health services and programs to effectively and appropriately communicate with people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds and coordinate the provision of multilingual health information.
Sydney Multicultlural Community Services is a not for profit organisation. With more than 40 years of experience, we have helped Culturally and linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities, including the aged, newly arrived migrants and refugees and those in crisis, suffering from language barriers, isolation, disability, poverty, disadvantage, and helplessness.
TIS - Translation and Interpreting Service The Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) is an interpreting service provided by the Department of Home Affairs for people with limited English proficiency and for agencies and businesses that need to communicate with their non-English speaking clients.
Transcultural Mental Health Line The Transcultural Mental Health Line connects community members to clinicians who understand their culture and can communicate in their language. 1800 648 911
MYAN Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (Australia) Our vision is that all young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds are valued and supported so that they thrive in Australia. Focus areas include youth leadership, policy and advocacy, capability building and local and global partnership.
Transcultural Mental Health Centre work with people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities, health professionals and partner organisations across NSW to support good mental health. Their services complement public Mental Health Services (hospital and community) and enhance pathways to care for culturally and linguistically diverse communities.
Orygen Let’s Talk: Youth Mental Health, Culture and Identity. Awareness of the relationship between culture, mental wellbeing and service provision is an important component of mental health practice. TheLet’s talk: youth mental health, culture and identity podcast explores this relationship in an engaging way through interviews with young people and staff in the sector.
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What have you found helpful in your journey with your young person. Please share your resources, wisdom and hindsight here: