Mental Health
Parents and carers are first responders to their young people. This can be challenging, confusing and isolating when mental health challenges arise. You are not alone. This page provides information, helpful support organisations and more. Please contact EPIC for peer support, or if you have any questions or suggestions. Together we can support the young people in our community.
Lifeline 13 11 14
Lifeline text 0447 13 11 14 (6pm—12am, 7 days)
Kids Helpline 1800 551 800
Ambulance & Police 000 Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467
Mental Health Access Line 1800 011 511 – are a service that operate 24/7 days a week. This service may be able to connect you with the Youth Response who offer emergency mental health support rather that 2pm-10.30pm. This service is best used in conjunction with CYHMS. They are an outreach service that can attend home/school (as long as no DV/violence) up to 9pm at night. They assess a young person at risk or who is expressing suicidal ideation in an attempt to avoid a trip to ED which is not a great environment for a young person, often not a positive experience. If they feel that the young person needs to go to hospital they will call the ambulance.
Anglicare Emotional Wellbeing Space offers you up to seven free sessions of individual counselling to support your psychological and emotional concern. Sessions are held face-to-face, online or over the phone.
Beyond Blueprovides information and support to help everyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health, whatever their age and wherever they live.
Burdekin Assosciation We believe every young person has the right to a life that offers opportunities to fulfil their potential.
Black Dog InstituteWe surround ourselves with people who have a passion for making a change in the mental health space.
Child Youth Mental Health Service (CYMHS) provides specialist mental health assessment and intervention to infants, children and young people (under 18 years old, unless still at school) with moderate to severe and complex mental health problems and their families.
Catholic Care Supporting you and your family through the challenges of relationships, parenting and separation. professional and compassionate teams for counselling, education, emotional support and practical strategies.
CCNBCommunity Care Northern Beaches support people, their families and carers to navigate the health and social care systems, access the services they require, when they require them, to get the most out of life.
Emotional Health Clinic, Macquarie University Get emotional health support for yourself and others. The Clinic provides assessment and treatment services to people of all ages, and training and resources to professionals.
Harrison Riedel Foundation created the YourCrew app, designed to give young people personal help from loved ones and a pathway to professional help if needed.
Headspace The heart of Headspace services is ensuring to meet the evolving and unique needs of young people and those who support them.
Kids Helpline is Australia’s only free, confidential 24/7 online and phone counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25. The website has loads of helpful helpful information.
KYDS Youth Development Serviceprovides free mental health counselling to young people for as long as they need it.
Lifeline a national charity providing all Australians experiencing emotional distress with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services.
Mission Australia helps to provide the security, care and support, vital to the development of children and young people and strengthening communities.
Mindspotprovides free online services for Australians with depression and anxiety problems. It provides mental health screening assessments, therapist-guided online treatment courses and referrals to help people recover and stay well.
Oasis Supports Northern BeachesAre a small family run organisation which was set up to "go the extra mile" for clients on the NDIS (and a few privately funded individuals). Oasis offer a myriad of social, transport, community and hobby based supports primarily for participants with a mental health diagnosis.
PCYC work with at-risk youth to break the cycle of disadvantage through crime prevention, vocational education, youth capacity building and social responsibility programs.
PCCS Access + Mental health support when you need it. Psychological Access+ is a program providing patients with assistance for short-term psychological interventions, and is funded by the Northern Sydney Primary Health Network. Operating in Northern Sydney, the service is primarily for people who have difficulty accessing appropriate mental health (including psychology) support due to financial or other circumstances. A range of services are available for people with mental illness, drug and alcohol issues or who are at risk of suicide or self-harm.
SANE Australia is for people with recurring, persistent or complex mental health issues and trauma, and for their families, friends and communities.
SDECC is a not-for-profit, charitable organisation which specialises in providing free counselling and support for young people aged 12 -25 with problematic alcohol and other drugs (AOD) use and their families.
Sir David Martin Foundation is a 30-year old family foundation, helping young people in crisis.
StreetWork aims to help teens troubled by destructive influences and behaviour to turn their lives around through one on one mentoring.
The Northern Centreoffer individual support or can work with the family as a whole as you navigate your role as a parent/carer of a teenager.
Taldumande Youth Services supports, encourages and empowers vulnerable children, young people and their families through crisis response, residential care and specialised case work. Located Northern Sydney and Northern Beaches
Transcultural Mental HealthThe Transcultural Mental Health Centre (TMHC) works with health professionals and communities across New South Wales to support positive mental health for people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities. 1800 648 911
Uniting Family and Carer Mental Health Program (FCMHP): Northern Sydney If you are caring for a loved one who is living with mental health challenges, FCMHP provide education and training, one-to-one support, and support groups to help ensure you have the tools you need in your caring role.
USpace is Australia’s first private mental health service targeted to the needs of young adults aged 16–25 years. Our mission is to promote the recovery and psychological wellbeing of young adults with severe and emerging mental health problems.
Youth Up Front We improve the lives of children by providing outreach and vocational programmes, mentoring, case worker and personal development support.
Emerging Minds is dedicated to advancing the mental health and emotional wellbeing of Australian infants, children, adolescents and their families. The Emerging Minds website is packed with resources, training and research to support families, practioners and organisations support the mental health of Australia's youth.
HeadspaceThis link takes you to the ‘I’m supporting a young person’ page on the headspace website. Here there are topics such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, psychosis, self harm and trauma. There are many resources throughout the website that provide knowledge regarding mental ill-health, wellbeing, navigating life, alcohol and other drugs and much more. This is an excellent resources
Lifeline Fact Sheets Lifeline has developed a range of fact sheets to provide you with information and assistance during challenging times. Browse by topic and download any fact sheet that may be helpful for your situation.
MomentumMomentum offers tailored online treatment programs to help children and adolescents learn new ways to cope with feelings of anxiety and/or unhappiness. Momentum also offers help with sleep difficulties, as well as information on well-being and help-seeking, and tips and information about substance use for adolescents.
R U OK? Inspire and empower everyone to meaningfully connect with the people around them and start a conversation with those in their world who may be struggling with life. The website is packed with resources and strategies to support people.
ReachOut Designed with – and specifically for – young people, ReachOut is 100% online, anonymous and confidential, and lets young people connect on their terms. From one-to-one peer support and moderated online communities, to tips, stories and resources, ReachOut offers a wide range of support options that allow young people to engage in the ways they want to, when they want to.
EPIC Conversations led by peer support crew members Madeleine and Roberta, identifies challenges often faced by parents and teens in crisis. These conversations will offer insights, strategies and resources to empower parents and carers to better support their teenager and themselves.
Parental As Anything by Maggie Dent. In this ABC podcast Maggie talks to parenting experts from around the world to find practical solutions to the challenges every parent is facing today. Five stars from me!!
The Mental Health Mom A podcast about being the parent of a kid with mental illness, whether your “kid” is a young child, a teenager, or even an adult. We share stories, give practical information, and talk about how to support your kid and look after yourself.
EPIC Walks offer connection and understanding for all parents/carers of young people who are facing challenges.
EPIC Parent Program Program is a free 5 session program that builds a level of understanding, knowledge and confidence to better support your teen, your family and yourself.
ReachOut Concerned about my teen - Online Discussion Forum Share concerns, ask for help and hear from other parents
ClearlyMe for Teens, is an app designed for teens aged 12-17 who are experiencing depressive symptoms, psychological distress or in other words, going through a tough time. Created by teens, for teens.
YourCrew is a platform to enable all young people to ask for help at the touch of a button – from known, non-judgemental, welcoming, and trusted adults and friends. After downloading the app, invite your friends to join as your ‘Crew’. All crew members accept an oath to help without judgement and within confidentiality (unless someone’s safety is in danger). If you’re feeling consistently down, your Crew is alerted so they can reach out and see what’s up and how they can help you.
Confused? Frustrated? Call EPIC 02 8428 0913
What have you found helpful in your journey with your young person? Please share your resources, wisdom and hindsight here: