We live in a digital age. Online risks and harms include violent/hateful content, pornographic content, disinformation, surveillance or stalking, child sexual exploitation, radicalisation, cyberbullying, harmful sexual behaviours, harmful online communities, identity theft, dark patterns of persuasion…… Additionally, there are risks of privacy violations, physical and mental health risks and discrimination. Parents and carers today are the first generation to navigate the exciting and dangerous world of the digital era with a tech savvy generation of young people. Let’s band together to keep our young people safe and respectful users of the ever growing online world.
Listen, think, pause. Being empathetic and proactive will allow your young person to feel supported and heard. If the situation is threatening and your child is in danger call 000 immediately.Understand that online behaviour can snowball and instances such as sharing private information with a friend can sometimes become public accidentally, creating embarrassment and hurt that can lead to mental health concerns, legal issues and more.
Don’t delete the posts or abusive material. Collect information however be aware of the laws relating to sexual images of people under 18. Information can be found on the esafety link below.
This is a lead in to the esafety guide of what to do. Follow this link for more information and who to contact to report abuse along with mental health support organisations and video resources.
Australian Center to Counter Child Exploitation The Australian Federal Police (AFP) led Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation or, the ACCCE (pronounced ACE), was announced by the Prime Minister on 25 March 2018, as a measure of the 2018-19 Commonwealth Budget. This website provides information relating to inappropriate behaviour towards children online and how to report abuse.
eSafety Commissioner Helping Australians have safer and more positive experiences online. Information regarding parental controls, sexting, cyberbullying, child grooming and unwanted contact, downloadable resources, webinars, family safety sheets and more. Information for parents, young people, kids, women…. The eSafety Commisioner website is a place you can report abuse.
raisingchildren.net.auHere you will find information and tips relating to talking to teens about technology and entertainment such as online safety, pornography and sexting, gaming and gambling and more.
ThinkUKnow Australia is an evidence-based education program led by the Australian Federal Police (AFP), delivered nationally in partnership with police and industry partners to prevent online child sexual exploitation. This link takes you to resources for parents and carers.
EPIC Walks offer connection and understanding for all parents/carers of young people who are facing challenges.
EPIC Parent Program Program is a free 5 session program that builds a level of understanding, knowledge and confidence to better support your teen, your family and yourself.
The Shadows of the Web - Protecting Our Children in the Digital World This YouTube Video is a powerful, stark and very important message to all parents. It is important parents are aware of the content of this video. EPIC strongly urges you to watch and share with other parents. It contains references to child sexual abuse.
Confused? Frustrated? Call EPIC 02 8428 0913
What have you found helpful in your journey with your young person? Please share your resources, wisdom and hindsight here: