Body Image & Eating Disorders

Negative body image perception affects a huge proportion of our young people. Eating disorders are a complex mental health condition that with treatment and support can lead do complete recovery. Caring for a young person with body issue concerns and/or eating disorders can be confusing and isolating. This page provides contacts, strategies and resources to support you to navigate the pathways to recovery.

  • Butterfly Foundation represents all people affected by eating disorders – a person with an eating disorder, their family and their friends.

    Eating Disorders Families Australia (EDFA) is an organisation founded by a group of Australian parents who have cared for and treated a young person with an eating disorder.

  • Butterfly Foundation resources page has a wealth of information including fact sheets, statistics and tips. A first stop for anyone wanting to learn more about body image and eating disorders

    National Eating Disorders Collaboration Is a comprehensive informative website that offers information, research data, resources and more.

  • Let’s Talk Body Image and Eating Disorders By the Butterfly Foundation

    EPIC Conversations Eating Disorders with the Butterfly Foundation

  • Butterfly Foundation hold regular virtual support chats for carers and those in recovery.

    EPIC Walks as the meetings, are inclusive spaces for parents and carers of young people who are or have been school attendance challenges. Many EPIC members have travelled this path with their young person and are willing to share their hindsight and information.

    EPIC Parent Program provides connection with other parents and carers of young people who are facing challenges and/or choosing risky behaviour. The EPIC Parent Program is a 5 session program that builds understanding, knowledge and confidence to better support your young person, your family and yourself. EPIC is aware of the isolation and powerlessness parents/carers experience when their teens are facing challenges. The program is peer led and offers connection, hindsight and confidence in supporting yourself and your young person.

  Confused? Frustrated? Call EPIC 0426 425 164

What have you found helpful in your journey with your young person? Please share your resources, wisdom and hindsight here: